Episcopal Bishop Searches

Wel­come to an unof­fi­cial list­ing of all of the elec­tions for bish­op cur­rent­ly tak­ing place in the Epis­co­pal Church.

Current to 20 October 2024 | 384 updates since October 2018

Upcoming elections and consecrations (by next date)

West Mis­souri, elec­tion 9 Novem­ber 2024, con­se­cra­tion 3 May 2025
Dal­las (coad­ju­tor), elec­tion 3 May 2025
West Texas (suf­fra­gan), con­sents pend­ing, con­se­cra­tion 29 March 2025
Los Ange­les, elec­tion Novem­ber 2025, con­se­cra­tion 11 July 2026
San Joaquin, elec­tion Novem­ber 2025
West­ern Mass­a­chu­setts, elec­tion Novem­ber 2025
Flori­da, con­sents not received [search web­site removed]

7/96 domes­tic dioceses

Reorganizations (alphabetical)

Beth­le­hem and
Cen­tral Penn­syl­va­nia, reuni­fi­ca­tion approved
Indi­anapo­lis, and
North­ern Indi­ana, reuni­fi­ca­tion dis­cern­ment in progress

4/96 domes­tic dioceses

Provisional bishops (alphabetical)

North Dako­ta, pro­vi­sion­al bish­op elect­ed 7 Jan­u­ary 2024
Wyoming, assist­ing bish­op fol­low­ing March 2024 depo­si­tion of diocesan

2/96 domes­tic dioceses


Illus­tra­tions are adapt­ed from the Ordi­nal of the Coro­na­tion Prayer Book of King Edward VII, 1904, C.R. Ashbee.